Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hot Steamy Goodness

After bordering on shop-a-holic in Beijing, I have drastically cut back in Taiwan--mostly because things are more expensive and they don't have the fabulous knock-off markets here. However, the other day I found a treasure that I just couldn't pass up:

We've adopted the theme "Hot Steamy Goodness" as our family motto. It describes almost any situation in our home: tuna casserole for dinner 3 nights in a row, Doobie's stanky diaper, a hot dog (Sophie's definition), Shaun in the shower, the list just goes on and on. We will bestow this shirt on one lucky little boy--we're thinking that it's appropriate for Carson Jones, as he is a sweet little spongeboy and Spongebob is a beloved family member already. It's perfect. We're just disappointed it didn't also come in adult sizes for Matt Lyon.

I love to hear little snippets of Sophie's life in primary. Her teacher told me today that they were discussing temples during the lesson. Sophie announced that when she grows up she is going to be a princess, and marry her prince in the temple where they'll share love's true kiss. Atleast her comment was somewhat related to the lesson! I was relieved to hear that she didn't mention a) that Daddy is her prince and they have already shared love's true kiss, or b) her alternative to Daddy is marrying Prince Eric in the ocean ("The Little Mermaid" for those out of the Disney movie loop.)

In other news, I got my hair cut! Finally. It's short, but Shaun has made some nice comments so I think it's okay. With the heat zapping all my energy these days, I figured I either need to lose the kids or my hair. The kids are still here. Alrighty, Shaun is pleading for help. He believes he gets to take a nap this Sunday afternoon and has drawn the dark curtains in our room and disappeared under the covers. Sophie is singing "Straw-buh-buh-buh-buh-berry Shortcake" at the top of her lungs and demanding he get out of bed. I'm having fun listening to her torture. I don't think I'll intervene.

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